Taking The Shine Off Shein: Fast Fashion Becoming The Cause Of Our Climate's Deathbed


    From "Let's purchase this top from Shein," to "We have to buy the new iPhone," we can't seem to stop supporting the overconsumption movement that slowly contributes in deteriorating our climate. Overconsumption is when humans consume more resources than we produce. Office siren, mob wife, sage girl—we make up the most outrageous micro trends that we spend every dime we have for in a span of 2-3 weeks. Trends keep going viral every second of every day, and we're too environmentally clueless to realize that all the purchases in our carts take up a percentage of the causes of climate change every time we press "Check out." 


    Over the past years, overproduction and overconsumption add to the brutally increasing levels of pollution and toxic gases that contribute to global warming. As has been reported in countless news in the past decade, the impacts of climate change transcend international borders, as well as levels of privilege and wealth. We have witnessed this phenomenon in real time as the wildfires on the west coast and hurricanes on the east coast have grown in intensity and severity. Every time you purchase a new dress off of Shein that will just pile up in your closet 'till it rots, we also harm our surroundings. According to the company's sustainability report, Shein emitted 16.7 million total metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2023 — more than what four coal power plants spew out in a year. The company has also come under fire for textile waste, high levels of microplastic pollution, and exploitative labor practices. Tell me, why do we find it modish to support and take part in fast fashion? Is it really worth it?

    It's just right to propose a bet — if we start supporting slow fashion rather than fast fashion, we'd be breathing more oxygen than there is to lose. By simply buying secondhand clothing from thrift stores would make a change. By trading your clothes with your friends, we'll become a better friend to our environment as well. Let's take a minimalist approach, think twice before throwing away our old clothes, and breathe — those clothes will certainly be a help in purifying the air you breathe. Who knows? Even making your own clothing can make the sustainability of your environment. We have to stop fast fashion, it's time to slow things down.



  1. You should taking care of our environment.

  2. The title piqued my interest. Keep up the great work!


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