Blogging is A Language of Our Souls


    From search engines to blogs, I learned multiple conceptual lessons in the first quarter of ICT class. However, I do think that learning about blogs truly ignited the writer in me. Unmotivated and uninspired—two words that I'd describe myself before I discovered the essence of blogs. Don't get me wrong— I am a writer, though it was undoubtedly upsetting that I couldn't practice this skill of mine during the break. Luckily, this first quarter of the school year helped me recover the art of expressing myself through words— idioms, metaphors, and similes. The best thing about being a writer is beginning to admire the little things. They've always been around me, but suddenly they can contain all the hidden beauties of the world. Casually eating a pomegranate and finding meaning in it is an art. I wouldn't have been able to express myself so efficiently without my discoveries of blogging. Everything will become art in blogging, and I will spend my whole life trying to prove it to those around me.

    I'm not always in a mood for a literary piece despite my way with words. As I said, I could be unmotivated and uninspired at some times, refusing to form potential ideas in my head. This was a challenge for me— one that I never thought I could encounter because I've always been a decent writer. What I put into my blogs were excerpts from my heart, as well as my mind, but there were times that I really couldn't write even if I tried. It was an overwhelming case— a drain that could flush all my potential away. Learning self-confidence on my first blog wasn't easy, and it took me a long time to actually obtain the trust that I have for myself now. I couldn't let me potential be taken from me, I worked too hard to prove it.

    Indeed, I was an apathetic writer, and the first step to actually overcome this problem was to acknowledge my flaw. I was sure that I could be great if I started putting my thoughts onto paper with a pen— but that wasn't enough. I continued practicing— writing as if I was running out of time. I suppose it's fair to say that I practice this talent of mine more under pressure, though it's not something I'm proud of it— but the adrenaline motivated me. Listening to music, especially Billy Joel songs, while writing boosted my will to press the keys on my device to create a piece driven by my passion. The idealogy, "Practice makes perfect", is substancially true— it's a remarkable one in all honesty. Consistent practice not only boosted my motivation, but it also alleviated my fear. Fear could've been my downfall as a writer because I wouldn't have been able to compose my thoughts properly. 

    Moving on, I will continue to broaden my skill in blogging, and expand the significance of it to the world. A world without writing is rather bland— a drawback to society, I suppose. Blogging is a reflection of our minds, and it unleashes the essence of life. Blogging is literature— a form of intimacy, allowing people to see your soul, letting them explore it without restrictions. When they finally see it, they'll decide to accept or denounce your existence. Unfortunately for most of you, I am an existence that cannot be denounced nor accepted, for I am a reflection of this reality we live in— and I will stick to my guns and continue encouraging the world to live for literature and art. Carpe diem.



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